
join me on my journey!



LD Resources:

LDOnline.org– A source for information about anything to do with learning.

Dr. Doug– Dr. Doug Dreilinger, a professor I had for one of my education courses, has put together a very informative website. I reccomend you take a look.

LD Worldwide– “Learning Disabilities Worldwide (LDW) works to enhance the lives of individuals with learning disabilities, with a special emphasis on the underserved. Our purpose is to identify and support the unrecognized strengths and capabilities of persons with learning disabilities.”

National Center for Learning Disabilities– There are organizations you can contact to get help… Here’s one.

Internet Special Education Resources– You need a professional who works with any aspect of learning differences from diagnosis to tutors? Here you go.

Special Needs Resources:

Matan Koch -Follow my brother, Matan, as he breaks down barriers to including everyone of all abilities.

New Rochelle Special Education PTA -As a resident of New Rochelle I am very happy to be a part of the School Districts Special Education PTA. They are making a huge difference for students with special needs.

Understood– Here is a website to help you understand your child. “5 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.”

Friends of Quinn– Here is an online community that offers resources and support for young adults with learning differences, as well as for the people who love them. Quinn has started the mission that I’m carrying forward. I love it and I think you will too.

Amy Gravino– Amy is an amazing individual living with Autism. She is the forthcoming book: The Naughty Autie; A memoir of her experiences as and woman on the Spectrum.

All About Kids– Here is one of the great agencies I affiliate myself with. All about kids provides a whole spectrum of services to kids on the Autistic Spectrum.

Paxxon– Here is another wonderful agency I work with. Paxxon Healthcare Services provides a wide spectrum of services. Please check them out to see all that they offer.

Jewish Disability Speakers Bureau– If your organization needs a speaker about, well, anything look no further. I am privileged to me a member of this fine group of individuals.


Cool Stuff I like:

Amazon.com-Need a book about learning differences, or any other topic?

Hotsheet-Links to the information super highway. Be careful, once you’re navigating you might never come home again.

LIU Post – I spent 7 wonderful years at post while completing both my Bachelors and Master’s degrees. They have great programs both for student’s with special needs and programs to teach students with special needs to teach.

Norman Koch, Rabbi – My father was so excited about this project and in his memory we have created a site to honor him.

Adoptive Parents Committee – I am a very big Advocate of Adoption as we adopted all three of my children

Past Employment:

New York City Board of Education– With schools throughout five Bouroughs, I work in the Bronx

Community Synagogue– Located in Port Washington, New York.

Eisner Camp– Located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

Thoughts to Ponder:

The Misunderstood Child: A poem by Kathy Winters about Special Needs Children.

Home Run Hitter: A baseball story about a child who was given a chance at bat..

A Piece of Torah: Here you can read a D’var Torah that I wrote. I feel this is what religion says to do with Special Education Students.

Animal School– This is an amazing video to help you get a feeling for what LD students struggle with.

Fame: Famous people can have learning differences too. Here are some of them

Ten Things I Wish My Teachers Knew: Here you can find out what an LD Student want’s their teacher to know.

Going to Holland: Read this wonderful poem about what it is like to raise a child with Learning Differences.

Don’t Laugh at Me l thank Peter, Paul and Mary for this song encompassing us all

Suggest a Link:

E-Mail me the URL of any site you think I should add to this page! Be sure to write a few lines about why you think I should add it.